Last week
We .. M.5/1 had a Role Play in Thai Music Subject at ChalermPrakiet Building.
The Role plays title is "Switch!"
It's the story about a young girl (Ice) and a young boy (Daiji) who are heartbroken by her boyfriend / his girlfriend
because their boy/girlfriend are homosexual.
Daiji and Ice make a wish with Sacred Statue that they could be the opposite gender , so her boyfriend/his girlfriend would love them again.
The wish make them switch their body (Daiji's soul stays inside Ice's body and Ice's soul stays inside Daiji's body)
and when the time pass by .. They are in love with each other
but the story isn't so good as everyone expect ..
since in the beginning , they're not proud in their life and want to change into something that fulfill their need the gods that live inside the Sacred Statue punish them.
While, Ice and Daiji are crossing the road . One car is driving toward Ice , Daiji push Ice out of the way and receive the accident instead of Ice. The accident make them switch back into their own body
but It's also make Daiji dies . Ice cries a lot and The story end up in the stragedy way.
The moral of this story is "be proud of yourself"